Here is a selection of our recent published papers:
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Ivison W,Hambidge C, McGilvray M, Flinton, A, Merrifield, J and Steelant J “Heat Flux Augmentation Caused by Surface Imperfections in Turbulent Boundary Layers”, Proceedings HiSST: 3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicles Science and Technology 14-19 April 2024, ResearchGate
Flinton A, Merrifield J, Ivison W and McGilvray M “Numerical Study of Turbulent Phenomena in Hypersonic Boundary Layers from the Presence of Protuberances and Cavities”, Proceedings HiSST: 3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicles Science and Technology 14-19 April 2024, Conference Programme
Evans D, Merrifield J, Whitehouse H, Villace, V F, Langener, T, Eden, S, Mortimer J, Franch I, Grabe M, White C and Stindt T “Regolith Contamination by Thrusters For Sample Return Missions”, Proceedings SP2024: 9th 3AF/ESA Space Propulsion Conference 20-23 May Glasgow, Conference Programme
Flinton A, Merrifield J “Extension of DRAMA via Post-Processing Tools”, ESA ATD3 Workshop, ESA ESTEC, 2024 ESA Record
Kaschnitz E, Cziegler A, Hancock T, Flinton A, Schleutker T and Ritter H "Measurement of thermophysical properties for the development of a flexible thermal protection system (FTPS) for Mars Entry", 22nd Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, 2024
Steuer, D., Leiser, D., Grigat, F., Duernhofer, C., Fasoulas, S., Loehle, S., Donaldson, N. "Investigation on the Usability of Arc-Jet Generators for the Experimental Simulation of Giant Planet Entry", Proceedings of AIAA Aviation Forum, Las Vegas, NV, 29 July - 2 August 2024
Whitehouse, H., Asadi, S., Khodaei, Z., Lange, H., Stindt, T., Evans, D., Merrifield, J., Tesch, A, “Structural Health Monitoring to Increase the Reliability of Launcher Materials”, Proceedings 17th ECSSMET, March 2023, Conference Website
A. J. Parker, "An Overview of the STASIS multi-phase thermochemical code", Fulmination 2023, Institute of Explosives Engineers, UK, April 2023
A. J. Parker, "STASIS: A Parallel Multi-Phase Chemical Equilibrium Code," in Proceedings of the 52nd International Annual Conference of the Fraunhofer ICT, Karlsruhe, June 2023, Research Gate
A. J. Parker, "On the calculation of Chapman-Jouguet states using the STASIS multi-phase thermochemical code," in Proceedings of the EUROPYRO 2023/46th IPS Seminar in Saint-Malo, France, September 2023, Research Gate
Donaldson, N., Bolton, D., Merrifield, J., Beck, J., Probyn-Skoufa, M., "A Multiscale Heating Correction Code for Space Debris Demise Simulations", ESA Clean Space Industry Days 2023, ESTEC (Noordwijk), NL”, Conference Website
Merrifeld, J., "The Evolving Role of Modelling and Simulation in Hypersonic R&D and Design Activities", High-speed aerodynamics: towards hypersonic flight, RAeS Aerodynamics Specialist Group Conference 17-18 October 2023”, Conference Programme
Azaki Y, Graham S, Merrifield J, Beck J, Holborough I, Bonvoisin B and Jackson M “An Experimental Approach to Simulate Ejecta on Titanium Spacecraft Surfaces under Re-entry Environment Conditions”, 15th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2023)
Overend S, Lynch J, Underwood J, Hancock T, Loureiro J, Carneiro P, Flinton and Ball A "Conceptual Study of a Mars Aerocapture Demonstrator Using Single Event Drag Modulation", 20th International Planetary Probe Workshop, Marseille, France, August 2023
Hassan Saad Ifti, Tobias A. Hermann, Matthew McGilvray, Jim A. Merrifield, “Numerical Simulation of Transpiration Cooling in a Laminar Hypersonic Boundary Layer”, June 2022 Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets , Research Gate
Benoit Bonvoisin, M. Meisnar, Jim A. Merrifield ... et al., “Demisability assessment of space materials”, May 2022 CEAS Space Journal, Research Gate
J. Merrifield, J. Beck, A. Pagan ... et al., “PRODUCERS: A Tool For Predicting The Spectrographic Response Of Break-Up Fragments To The Re-Entry Environment”, 2nd FAR Conference, Heilbronn, Germany, July 2022, Conference Programme
A. Flinton, J. Merrifield, E. Johnstone, T. Hancock ... et al., “Developing a flexible thermal protection system for Mars entry: thermal design and testing”, 2nd FAR Conference, Heilbronn, Germany, July 2022, Conference Programme
T. Hancock, J. Underwood, J. S. Lingard, A. Flinton ... et al., “Developing a flexible thermal protection system for Mars entry: Systems Engineering, Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Processes”, 2nd FAR Conference, Heilbronn, Germany, July 2022, Conference Programme
A. Turchi, B. Helber, T. Magin, L. Chipperfield, F. Pascon, H. Ritter, “Ablative Material Numerical Test Case Series — From Experimental Tests to Numerical Results”, 2nd FAR Conference, Heilbronn, Germany, July 2022, Conference Programme
M. Probyn-Skoufa, J. Cornish, J. Merrifield, J. Beck, “De-Risk Of The Development Of A High-Speed, High-Accuracy, Multi-Physics Propagator To Be Used In Design For Demise”, 2nd FAR Conference, Heilbronn, Germany, July 2022, Conference Programme
Ivison, W., Hambidge, C., McGilvray, M., Merrifield, J. and Steelant, J., "Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Steps and Gaps on Hypersonic Vehicles". HiSST: 2nd International Conference on High Speed Vehicle Science and Technology, 2022, Bodleian Record
Beck J, Merrifield J, Holborough I, Kaschnitz E, Jackson M, Azakli Y, Doel P, Rigby J, Eales J, Schleutker T, Hohn O and Bonvoisin B "Improved Material Modelling for Destructive Re-entry Assessments" ESA Clean Space Industry Days 11-14 October 2022, ESA Record
Thomas Rees Paul J. K. Bruce, Mark Kenneth Quinn, Jim A. Merrifield “Numerical and experimental studies of the hypersonic flow around a cube at incidence”, March 2021 Acta Astronautica 183, Research Gate
Martin Sauerbrey, James Beck, Antonio Caiazzo, Tiago Soares, ... , Jim Merrifield, Alan Flinton et. al “New Demise Technology Concepts Of Spacecraft Structural Joints”, Conference: ECSSMET 2021, Research Gate
J. Mortimer, S. J. Barber, F. Abernethy, L. Grill, C. Gscheidle, J. R. Brucato, M. A. Corazzi, L. Chipperfield, P. Reiss, R. Fisackerly, and D. J. Heather, “Experimental methods to inform modelling of volatile preservation during lunar subsurface icy sample collection: in support of ESA's PROSPECT package”, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Conference Paper
Beck ,J. Holbrough, I, Merrifield, J and Lemmens S., “Probabilistic Comparison of Destructive Entry Tools”, Proc 8th Conference on Space Debris (virtual), Darmstadt, Germany, Research Gate
Mario Lino da Silva, ... , Arthur Smith, Jim Merrifield et. al “Qualification of the European Shock-Tube for High Enthalpy Research”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, Research Gate
Thomas Rees, Tom B Fisher Paul J. K. Bruce Jim Merrifield and Mark Kenneth Quinn, “Experimental characterization of the hypersonic flow around a cuboid”, Experiments in Fluids 61(7), Research Gate
Thomas Gawehn, ..., Emma Johnstone et al., “Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Static and Dynamic Stability of a Blunted Body Configuration – Project Overview”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
Emma Johnstone et al., “Determining the thermal Response of A Flexible TPS In A High Enthalpy Environment”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
John Underwood, ..., Jim Merrifield et al., “Supersonic Parachute Testing Using A Maxus Sounding Rocket Piggy-Back Payload”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
John Underwood, ..., Jim Merrifield, Emma Johnstone et al., “Measurement of Dynamic Stability of Earth Return Capsules In Low Supersonic and Transonic Conditions Using Balloon Tests”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
Jim Merrifield and James Beck, “Multiscale Heating Correlations Applied To Destructive Entry Methodologies”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
Jim Merrifield et al., “Study On the Demisability of Optical Payloads”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
Jim Merrifield et al., “Concepts and Considerations for Re-Entry Experiments to Inform fragmentation Prediction for Destructive Entry”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
Christie Maddock, ... ,Tristan Stindt, Jim Merrifield, et al, “Robust Multi-Objective Optimisation of A Descent Guidance Strategy for A TSTO Spaceplane”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
Tristan Stindt, Jim Merrifield, et al., “Aerodynamic Database Development for a Future Reusable Launch Vehicle, the Orbital 500R”, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
Emma Johnstone, et al., "Analysis of the AEDB Performance During the Exomars Schiaparelli Descent", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
Emma Johnstone, Tristan Stindt, Jim Merrifield and Luca Ferracina, "Analysis of the Aerothermal and Material Performance During the Exomars Schiaparelli Descent", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
Tristan Stindt, Jim Merrifield, David Evans and Luca Ferracina, "Numerical Computation of the Exomars Schiaparelli Communications Blackout Compared With Flight", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
James Beck, Ian Holborough, Jim Merrifield et al., "Progress In Probabilistic Assessment of Destructive Entry", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
Craig White, Hossien Zare-Behtash, Konstantinos Kontis, Takahiro Ukai, Jim Merrifield, David Evans et al., "Test Facility To Investigate Plume-Regolith Interactions", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Research Gate
James Beck, Jim Merrifield et al., "Aerothermodynamic Assessment of Atmospheric Emissions From Re-Entry Demise", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
James Beck, Jim Merrifield et al., "Assessment of the Re-Entry Casualty Risk From Small Launcher Upper Stages", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
John Underwood, J. Stephen Lingard, Jim Merrifield Emma Johnstone et al., "European Studies To Advance Development of Deployable and Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerators", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
Emma Johnstone, Luke Chipperfield et al., "Exploitation of Flight Data from Balloon Drop Tests for Earth Return Capsules", International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR 2019), Conference Programme
Jim Merrifield, James Beck et al., "Modelling Sensitivities and Knowledge Gaps Associated with Mars atmosphere Destructive Entry Applied to Planetary Protection", IPPW (Oxford 2019), Research Gate
E Johnstone , F Willcocks and L Ferracina, "Trajectory Analysis of the ExoMars Schiaparelli Descent Probe from an FGE Perspective", IPPW (Oxford 2019)
A Turchi, B Helber ... Luke Chipperfield et al., "Ablative-Material Numerical-Test International Series (AblaNTIS): An Experimental/Numerical Effort to Support the Validation of Material Thermal-Response Tools.", IPPW (Oxford 2019), Research Gate
TW. Rees, P. Bruce and J. Merrifield, "The Effect of Reynolds Number on the Hypersonic Flow around Faceted Shapes", AIAA 2018-5197
Ambrosi, R.M., Williams, H., Watkinson ... Merrifield, J. et al., "European Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) and Radioisotope Heater Units (RHUs) for Space Science and Exploration", Space Sci Rev (2019) 215: 55. Springer
J. Merrifield, S. McDowell, M Da Silva, L Fernandes, "Sensitivities to Plasma Radiation Database Generation for a Prospective High Speed Earth Entry Demonstrator Mission", 8th International Workshop on the Radiation of High Temperature Gases, March 2019, Madrid
Milne, A. G. ,Milne, A. M., "Modelling of Pyrotechnic Combustion in a Stochastic Framework", Europyro: 44th International Pyrotechnics Society Seminar, June 2019, Tours.
Q. Pontalier, S. Goroshin, D. L. Frost, A. Longbottom, S. Cargill, C. Grapes, A. Milne, F. Zhang, "Numerical investigation of blast enhancement with metalized explosives”, 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Singapore, July 2019.
Quentin Pontalier, Jason Loiseau, Aaron Longbottom, and David L. Frost, "Simulating the Propulsive Capability of Explosives Loaded with Inert and Reactive Materials” 21st Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SHOCK19), Portland, 2019.
Tiago Soares and James Merrifield, “ Characterization tests of structural joints behavior during re-entry”, 4th International Space Debris Re-entry Workshop, ESOC Conference Proceedings
Mark Fittock, James Beck, Alan Flinton, Alison Gibbings, Ali Gülhan, Volker Liedtke, Tobias Lips, Jim Merrifield, Jan-Christian Meyer, Gerrit Proffe, Thorn Schleutker and Tiago Soares, “Methodology and results of high enthalpy wind tunnel and static demisability tests for existing S/C structural joining technologies”, 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018, 16th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE DEBRIS
TW Rees, P Bruce and J Merrifield, “The Effect of Reynolds Number on the Hypersonic Flow around Faceted Shapes”, 22nd AIAA International Space Planes, 2018,
R M Ambrosi, B Foxcroft, A Barco, H Williams, E J Watkinson, A Godfrey, C Stroud, C Fongarland, M Libessart, C Nguyen, A J Merrifield, K Stephenson, “Aeroshell Re-Entry Modelling for The European Space Nuclear Power Program”, Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS-2018), 26 February—1 March 2018,
James C. Beck, Ian E. Holbrough, James A. Merrifield, Nicolas Leveque, “Design-for-Demise Analysis using the SAM Destructive Re-Entry Model”, Stardust Final Conference pp 233-246, Feb 2018,
J. Loiseau, Q. Pontalier, A. M. Milne, S. Goroshin, D. L. Frost, “Terminal velocity of liquids and granular materials dispersed by a high explosive”, Shock Waves, May 2018, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp 473–487,
Q. Pontalier, M. Lhoumeau, A. M. Milne, A. W. Longbottom, D. L. Frost, “Numerical investigation of particle–blast interaction during explosive dispersal of liquids and granular materials”, Shock Waves, May 2018, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp 513–531,
V K Pearson, D J Evans, L J Moran, D Summers, S Paton, M Patel, “Thermal Sterilisation of Organisms for High Speed Impacts”, in preparation, Astrobiology, 2018.
C A Maddock, L Ricciardi, M West, J West, K Kontis, S Rengarajan, D Evans, A Milne, S McIntyre, “Conceptual Design Analysis for a Two-Stage-to-Orbit Semi-Reusable Launch System for Small Satellites”, in press, Acta Astonautica, 2018.
A. S. Pagan, B Massuti-Ballester, G. Herdrich, J A Merrifield, James C Beck, V Liedtke, B Bonvoisin, “Experimental Investigation of Material Demisability in Uncontrolled Earth Re-entries”, 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (2017), Matsuyama, Japan.
A. Milne, A. Longbottom, D. L. Frost, J. Loiseau, S. Goroshin, O. Petel, “Explosive fragmentation of liquids in spherical geometry”, Shock Waves, May 2017, Volume 27, Issue 3, pp 383–393,
M. Marini, M. Di Clemente, G. Guidotti, G. Rufolo, O. Lambert, N. Joiner, D. Charbonnier, M.V. Pricop, M.G. Cojocaru, D. Pepelea, C. Stoica, A. Denaro, “Aeroshape Trade-Off and Aerodynamic Analysis of the Space-Rider Vehicle”, 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS) 2017,
J S. Lingard, Arrun Saunders, John C. Underwood, Steven Rogers, James Merrifield, and Luca Ferracina. "Supersonic Parachute Testing Using a MAXUS Sounding Rocket Piggy-Back Payload", 24th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2017-3724),
Dossi, L; Cleaver, D; Gould, P; Dunnett, J; Cavaye, H; Ellison, L; Luppi, F; Hollands, R; Bradley, M, “Binders for Energetics - Modelling and Synthesis in Harmony”, APS March Meeting 2017,
S J Overend, J C Underwood, S J Lingard, H Ritter, L Ferracina, E Johnstone, B Esser, “European Studies to Advance Development of Inflatable and Deployable Hypersonic Decelerators”, IPPW 14, June 2017,
C Maddock, F Toso, L Ricciardi, A Mogavero, Kin Hing Lo, S Rengarajan, K Kontis, A Milne, J Merrifield, D Evans, M West, and S McIntyre. "Vehicle and Mission Design of a Future Small Payload Launcher", 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conferences, (AIAA 2017-2224),
El-Said, Adam; Lewis, Stephen; Holmes, James; Patel, Manish; Terret, David; Morris, Huw; Read, Peter; Young, Roland and Parnaby, Gavin (2017). The Mars Modelling Information Tool for Engineering (MarMITE): A study on the Impact of Local Dust Storms. In: 1st British Planetary Science Congress, 3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow.,
James Beck, Ian Holbrough, Jim Merrifield, Nathan Joiner, "Progress in Hybrid Spacecraft/Object Oriented Destructive Re-entry Modelling using the SAM Code", Proc. 7th European Conference Space Debris, Darmstadt, 18–21 April 2017,
B Esser, J Barcena, M Kuhn, A Okan, L Haynes, S Gianella, A Ortona, V Liedtke, D Francesconi, and H Tanno. "Innovative Thermal Management Concepts and Material Solutions for Future Space Vehicles", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 53, No. 6 (2016), pp. 1051-1060,
A Gülhan, G Pinaud, A Cretella, and E Johnstone, “Use plan from the industrial end users and for technologies developed in the frame of ABLAMOD”, 2016,
C. White, T. J. Scanlon, J. A. Merrifield, K. Kontis, T. Langener, and J. Alves, “Development of an innovative validation strategy of gas–surface interaction modelling for re‐entry applications”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1786, 170003 (2016);
N. Joiner, B. Esser, M. Fertig, A. Gülhan, G. Herdrich, B. Massuti‐Ballester “Numerical and experimental capabilities for studying rocket plume-regolith interactions”, CEAS Space J, DOI 10.1007/s12567-016-0124-6 (2016);
Dominik Neeb, Ali Gülhan and Jim A. Merrifield, “Rough-Wall Heat Flux Augmentation Analysis Within the ExoMars Project”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2016), pp. 121-133.;
A. S. Pagan, B Massuti-Ballester, G. Herdrich, J A Merrifield, James C Beck, V Liedtke, B Bonvoisin “Experimental Demisability Investigation of Common Spaceflight Materials”, 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, At Kobe, Japan, July 2015.
Couchman B, Haynes, M, “Navier-Stokes Computations for Hollow Cylinders and Cubes Relevant for Satellite Debris”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
J Merrifield, J Beck, G Markelov, R Molina, “Simplified Aerothermal Models for Destructive Entry Analysis”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
J Merrifield, J Caldwell, L Walpot, J Martinez Schramm, H Olivier, A Roghelia, D Neeb, A Guelhan and R Molina, “Standard Probe Testing in European High Enthalpy Facilities”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
Beck J and Merrifield J, “A Heat Balance Integral Method for Destructive Re-entry Codes”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
A. S. Pagan, B Massuti-Ballester, G. Herdrich, J A Merrifield, James C Beck, V Liedtke, B Bonvoisin, “Characterization of material demisability through plasma wind tunnel experiments”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
J. Stephen Lingard , Arrun Saunders, Jim Merrifield, Jamie Caldwell , José Longo, Luca Ferracina, “Supersonic Parachute Testing Using a MAXUS Sounding Rocket Piggy-Back”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
J Beck, J Merrifield, I. Holbrough, G Markelov, R Molina, “Application of the SAM destructive re-entry code to the Spacecraft Demise Integration Test Cases”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
D. Neeb, A. Gülhan, J. A. Merrifield, L. Walpot and R. C. Molina, “An Experimental Investigation of Heat Flux Fluctuations on the Rear Cover of a Planetary Probe Entry-Configuration”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
J Mora-Monteros, E Fahy, N Banerji, N Joiner, G Duffa, and P Leyland, “Rebuilding Thermal Response and Ablation Radiation Coupling for Superorbital Return”, 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, March 2015.
Smith A and Merrifeld J, “Aerothermal Criticalities & Performance: Beagle2 Discovered”, UK Space Conference, July 2015.
Joiner N, “European Shock-Tube For High Enthalpy Research: Current Status”, RHTG 6, St-Andrews, November 2014.
J. Beck, J. Merrifield, G. Markelov, I. Holbrough, R. Molina, “Verification and Application of the SAM Re‐entry Model”, The 7th IAASS Conference, Friedrichshafen, Germany - 20-22 Oct 2014
Merrifield , James; Beck, James; Markelov, Gennady; Leyland, Penelope; Molina, Rafael, “Aerothermal Heating Methodology in the Spacecraft Aerothermal Model (SAM)”, The 7th IAASS Conference, Friedrichshafen, Germany - 20-22 Oct 2014
Dominik Neeb, Ali Gülhan and Jim A. Merrifield, “Rough wall heat flux augmentation analysis in the framework of the ExoMars project”, 11th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, June 2014.
B Esser, A Gülhan, M Kuhn, I Petkov, V Hannemann, J Barcena, C Jimenez, A Okan, S Ontac, J Merrifield, S Gianella, D Gaia, A Ortona, M Barbato, V Liedtke, D Francesconi, M Portaluppi, D Santella, H Tanno, “Innovative Thermal Management Concepts for Sharp Leading Edges of Hypersonic Vehicles”, 2014, 12. - 16. Oktober 2014, Pittsburgh, USA,
I.P.Wright, S.Sheridan, A.D.Morse, S.J.Barber, J.A.Merrifield, L.J.Waugh, C.J.Howe, E.K.Gibson, C.T.Pillinger, “L-VRAP—A lunar volatile resources analysis package for lunar exploration”, Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 74, Issue 1, December 2012, Pages 254-263.
Longbottom, AW., Milne, AM., and Kirkpatrick, DJ., “Explosively Dispersed Particulates”, MABS 22, Bourges, France, 2012
Merrifield J, Duffa G, O Joshi, Mora-Monteros J and Leyland P “Numerical and Theoratical Aspects of Ablation-Radiation Coupling”, ESA/CNES RHTG Worshop, Barcelona, Spain 2012
van der Wal, R, Rhijnsburger, M, Cargill, S and Longbottom, A, “Explosion mitigation by water mist”, MABS 21, Jerusalem, Israel, 2010.
Milne, AM, Bennett, K, and Longbottom, AW, “Modelling a suite of Aluminised explosive experiments”, 14th International Detonation Symposium, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 2010.
Christophe Laux, Michael Winter, James Merrifield, Arthur Smith, and Philippe Tran. "Influence of Ablation Products on the Radiation at the Surface of a Blunt Hypersonic Vehicle at 10 km/s", 41st AIAA Thermophysics Conference,San Antonio, Texas
P Reynier, D.J.Evans, “Post-flight Analysis of IRDT Blackout during Earth Reentry”, AIAA 2008-2894, 2008.